Renewal Options TelSoc has decided after much deliberation and feedback that we must focus back on serving Financial Members. We will retain the category “Guest Members” for new people joining for three months, after which time they must become Financial Members or the account becomes inactive. Existing Guest Members will have until the end of September to decide.

5th June 2020

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Telecommunications customer satisfaction resilient in ‘turbulent times’ Despite significant impacts on telecommunications services and infrastructure - including the impact of the COVID-19 crisis - telco customer satisfaction has remained steady over the past three quarters, according to a new survey published by Australian telecommunications industry peak body, Communications Alliance.

5th June 2020

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NBN Co extends Internet data capacity offer to August The operator of the National Broadband Network NBN Co has extended its offer to provide Internet providers with additional data capacity at no extra cost until August in a move it says supports national broadband needs, as social restrictions are starting to ease across Australia.

4th June 2020

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Telco problems costing SMBs ‘unnecessary’ time and money, says TIO Small businesses experiencing financial loss, signing up to unsuitable plans, breakdowns in communication when fixing faults, and lack of a suitable backup plan when phone and Internet services are disrupted, are amongst a raft of issues reported to the Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman(TIO) since 2016 and this year.

3rd June 2020

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Australians increasingly shift online to access services during COVID-19 Lifestyle habits of Australians have undergone a major shift since the COVID-19 pandemic first hit, with record numbers of Australians exploring online substitutes for everything from access to health support services to exercise, skills training and entertainment, according to new survey by NBN Co, the operators of the National Broadband Network.

2nd June 2020

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UK changes tack again: no Huawei 5G gear after 2023, says report The British Government appears to have changed its mind again on deploying equipment from Chinese telecommunications equipment vendor Huawei Technologies, if a new report is to be believed.

1st June 2020

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NBN Co boosts broadband network speeds to satisfy demand National Broadband Network operator NBNCo has launched new higher speed Internet plans in response to what it says has been strong demand for higher speed services from new customers. The plans include a new ‘close to’ 1Gbps service.

29th May 2020

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Optus hit by revenue, profit declines in ‘challenging’ times Australia’s second largest telco has suffered an operating revenue decline of 2% to A$8,954 million for the full year to the end of March, despite higher NBN migration revenue offsetting lower equipment and service sales.

28th May 2020

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Global phones and device shipments will fall by 13.6% in 2020 The world will witness a 13.6% drop in shipments of devices — mobile phones, tablets, and PCs — in 2020, meaning that total shipments will be 1.9 billion units, the tech research firm Gartner has forecast.

27th May 2020

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COVID 19 home working ‘positively’ impacts Australians Australians who have been required to work from home during COVID-19 say the experience has positively impacted how they view their work/life flexibility, according to a new behavioural change survey by national broadband operator NBN Co.

26th May 2020

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