Government sets spectrum allocation policy for 850/900 MHz bands The Australian Government has set out its policy objectives for the allocation of two spectrum bands as part of its program to support the delivery of “world class” telecommunications services nationally.

11th May 2020

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TPG-Vodafone merger gets foreign investment board green light  The Australian Foreign Investment Review Board has give Vodafone Hutchison Australia the final regulatory approval needed for its merger with TPG Telecom.

8th May 2020

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NBN downloads set new baseline record NBN Co has revealed that download throughput reached a new high in the week of 27 April 2020 with evening downloads on the NBN between 27 April and 3 May 2020 clocked at 26% higher than the pre-COVID baseline.

7th May 2020

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ACMA says ‘better outcomes' for phone, Internet consumers A new collaboration on compliance, enforcement and systemic issues in the telecoms sector has been forged by the ACMA and the TIO, which the two bodies say is aimed at delivering better outcomes for phone and Internet consumers and providers.

6th May 2020

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Optus launches family plan to protect children online Almost half of Australian parents (45%) do not have existing measures in place to protect their children online, according to a new Optus report. And based on the findings, Australia’s second largest telco has launched a new plan.

5th May 2020

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Nokia, VHA team up on Australian 5G spectrum test deployment Nokia and Vodafone Hutchison Australia (VHA) have jointly announced the first deployment of low-band NR700Mhz spectrum in a field test environment in a 5G network in Australia and the Asia-Pacific region.

4th May 2020

0 18 1

Nokia, VHA team up on Australian 5G spectrum test deployment Nokia and Vodafone Hutchison Australia (VHA) have jointly announced the first deployment of low-band NR700Mhz spectrum in a field test environment in a 5G network in Australia and the Asia-Pacific region.

4th May 2020

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Power loss, not fire damage caused bushfire mobile outages Mobile network outages during the 2019-20 bushfires were overwhelmingly due to loss of power rather than fire damage, according to a new report from telecommunications regulator the Australian Communications and Media Authority.

1st May 2020

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NBN Co extends 40% added capacity offer for ISPs National Broadband Network operator NBN Co has extended its offer to provide up to 40% additional capacity to Internet providers, at no extra cost, for another two months - through the June and July billing periods - as part of its support for telecommunications retailers during the COVID 19 pandemic.

30th April 2020

0 17 1

Dear TelSoc Member, My apologies, I caused an error in the Postcode which is now fixed. Sorry to mess you around! If you have already filled in this survey and it failed, my apologies and please give it another try. We are keen to have input from our Members! (It may say you have already completed it, in which case we already have your data).

29th April 2020

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