COVIDSafe: AWS using Chinese-owned data centre in Sydney Questions have been raised over the fact that the American cloud provider Amazon Web Services, which was given a Federal Government contract to store data collected by the Government's COVIDSafe app, is using a data centre in Sydney which is fully owned by a Chinese company.

29th April 2020

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NDIS users get access to assistive tech during self-isolation Participants in Australia’s National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) will be able to purchase assistive technology to help them through the COVID 19 crisis and self-isolation.

28th April 2020

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Govt opens 2nd round of Telecoms in New Developments policy The Australian Government has called for further submissions on its proposed policy update designed to improve the delivery of telecommunications in new developments.

27th April 2020

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ACMA helps communications, media sectors maintain ‘critical services’ Telecommunications regulator the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) says it is actively working with the communications and media services sectors to help them maintain critical services while continuing to provide important consumer safeguards during the COVID-19 pandemic.

24th April 2020

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ACMA announces relief from telco enforcement action during COVID-19 The Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) has announced that it will conditionally relax enforcement on telcos who do not comply with certain segments of the TCP Code during COVID-19 health crisis.

23rd April 2020

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NSW Government tenders for Gig State project to deliver ‘better’ Internet The NSW Government has started a tender process for its $100 million Gig State project aimed at delivering new network infrastructure and a boost to internet capacity for regional communities and businesses in the State.

22nd April 2020

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ACMA sets new special needs phone accessibility rules The Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) has updated industry rules to help ensure people with specific communications needs – such as people with vision and hearing impairments – can find out whether particular phones support their requirements.

21st April 2020

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No slowdown in moves to 5G networks despite COVID 19: analyst Despite COVID-19 resulting in revenue pressures from slowing sales and consumer demand for new products, many major telecoms carriers say they still have the cash flow to move ahead with 5G deployments, according to one global data and analytics firm.

20th April 2020

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NBN Co offers $150m to help low-income families, SMBs during lockdown National broadband provider NBN Co has created a $150 million fund to help low-income families with home schooling and small and medium-sized businesses and households who face financial issues during the coronavirus lockdown.

17th April 2020

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ICT jobs suffer devastating drop in March during COVID-19 shutdown The information and communications technology jobs sector was absolutely hammered in March, listed among the top three sectors contributing to the decline in job ad numbers compared to the same month in 2019 as a result of the COVID-19 shutdown of the economy.

16th April 2020

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