Morrison: No anonymous tracking of people to enforce COVID-19 rules Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison says the government would not be looking to use location data to track people anonymously in order to find out if they are following the rules which have been put in place to keep the coronavirus pandemic in check within the country.

30th March 2020

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ACMA clears decks for comms, media sectors during COVID-19 The telecommunications regulator ACMA says it is reviewing and adjusting its work programs so the communications and media sectors can prioritise their business-critical functions and continue communicating during the COVID-19 pandemic.

27th March 2020

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Aussie Broadband hit with ‘high demand' for services from home workers Broadband retail service provider Aussie Broadband has pleaded with its customer seeking support for their services to use its free My Aussie app or portal due to what it claims is very high customer demand with people working from home because of the COVID-19 virus.

26th March 2020

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Covid-19 puts extra strain on Internet, telcos urged to purchase more capacity One in three (39%) Australians already face regular streaming dropouts and the demand for the Internet is about to surge as more Australians remain housebound due to the Covit-19 pandemic, according to comparison website Finder which says telcos should purchase more capacity from the NBN to help Internet users working from home through the crisis.

25th March 2020

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As more people work from home, Penn makes restraint plea COMMENT: In the midst of any national crisis, it is common to find people who want to make themselves heard, even if they can only do so by making stupid statements. That is clearly the case with an utterance issued by Telstra chief executive Andrew Penn.

24th March 2020

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New NBN connections added by up to 40,000 weekly Thirty thousand to 40,000 additional connections are being made every week to the National Broadband Network as the rollout of the network continues, according to the national network provider NBN Co.

23rd March 2020

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Telstra says no additional job cuts for next six months Telstra has announced that it would put on hold any further job cuts for the next six months, adding that its program to cut 8000 jobs in total by 2022 to reduce underlying fixed costs by $2.5 billion would continue as usual.

20th March 2020

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NBN Co waives additional capacity charges of up to 40% till May NBN Co will waive charges for up to 40% additional use of CVC by retail service providers from 23 March onwards due to the additional load on the network, after many Australians started working from home this week as a result of COVID-19.

19th March 2020

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Vocus, Zoom tie up to provide unified communications platform As more and more Australian businesses ask their employees to work from home due to the cononavirus outbreak, local network solutions provider Vocus has announced a deal with video communications outfit Zoom to sell a video-first unified communications platform.

18th March 2020

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Labor calls for telcos to get capacity relief if NBN becomes congested The Opposition ALP has called for retail telecommunications providers to be considered for temporary capacity charge relief, in the event NBN speeds become congested as COVID19 leads more employees and children to use the internet from home.

17th March 2020

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