US A-G calls for controlling stake in Nokia, Ericsson to battle Huawei US Attorney-General William Barr has called for active consideration of a proposal to take a controlling stake in telecommunications firms Nokia and Ericsson in order to prevent Chinese vendor Huawei from increasing its market share.

7th February 2020

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Vodafone Australia unveils new leadership pending TPG merger The local office of Vodafone has promoted two key staff members from within to higher senior management positions, but made it clear the appointments are interim pending the Federal Court decision on the VHA merger with TPG.

6th February 2020

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US ropes in tech firms in bid to cut Huawei reliance A number of American technology companies such as Microsoft, Dell and AT&T have joined an effort sponsored by the White House to create advanced software for 5G networks in order to reduce the dependence on Chinese telecommunications equipment vendor Huawei Technology.

5th February 2020

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Smartphone stocks outside China 'to take big hit due to virus' The outbreak of coronavirus in China's Hubei province will hit smartphone inventories in international markets significantly, an analyst from the technology research firm Gartner says.

4th February 2020

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Coronavirus ‘no impact’ on MWC Barcelona registrations: GSMA Mobile industry body GSMA says the MWC Barcelona event scheduled for Barcelona in late February will still go ahead despite concerns about the potential impact on the event of the coronavirus outbreak.

3rd February 2020

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Performance drop prompts TelSoc call for NBN rescue plan Australia’s Telecommunications Association (Telsoc) has repeated its call for a bipartisan response by Australia's politicians to the National Broadband Network and a rescue plan for the NBN as “Australia’s broadband performance falls even further”.

31st January 2020

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NBN Co moves to next stage of engagement with Retail Service Providers National Broadband Network operator NBN Co has announced the next phase of its engagement with Retail Service Providers (RSPs) and enterprise customers.

30th January 2020

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UK gives Huawei limited role in 5G network rollouts The UK has announced that it will give Chinese telecommunications equipment vendor Huawei Technology a limited role in the country's 5G networks, with Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab telling the House of Commons that additional security measures would be put in place to ensure that risk was properly mitigated.

29th January 2020

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ACMA launches consultation on telecoms emergency call services amendments The Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) is undertaking public consultation on proposed amendments to the Telecommunications (Emergency Call Service) Determination 2019.

28th January 2020

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Telstra impresses with wins at Pacific Telecoms Awards Telstra was prominent among the winners of the 2020 Pacific Telecommunications Council (PTC) Awards presented in Honolulu last night, coming away with more awards than any other telecommunications operator.

24th January 2020

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