Sorry I missed this Newsletter pon Thursday, especially as it features TelSoc !! Ericsson chief: Huawei situation creating uncertainty for 5G market Ericsson worldwide chief executive Börje Ekholm says the US bid to prevent its competitor Huawei Technology from gaining deals is not giving his company "a free kick" and is creating uncertainty for the global 5G market.

23rd January 2020

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I missed this email on Thursday (sorry), especially as it features TelSoc. I was informed it went out earlier blank, so you may be getting this twice. Tim Herring  

23rd January 2020

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5G smartphones expected to reach 12% of market by year-end: Gartner The global share of 5G smartphones will grow from 12% in 2020 to 43% in 2022, the technology research firm Gartner has forecast, with the entire mobile phone market poised to grow 1.7% this year.

22nd January 2020

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Warning that Huawei 5G ban could cost Australia AUD$12 billion Up to 3 million Australians – mostly in the bush - will miss out on getting access to 5G by 2023 because of the Australian Government’s 5G ban on China’s Huawei - at a cost of US$8.2 billion (AUD$12B) to the economy, according to UK based forecasting and quantitative analysis firm Oxford Economics.

21st January 2020

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Australia broadband cost down, but country ranks 113th out of 206 nations A British website that regularly surveys broadband packages globally has ranked Australia 113th out of 206 countries that it looked at between 28 November 2019 and 8 January this year.

21st January 2020

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 This is the final edition of CommsWire Afternoon for 2019.  We will be back on 13 January 2020. We would like to wish all of our readers a Merry Christmas and a Happy, Prosperous and Safe New Year!

21st December 2019

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New protections against bill shock from mobile roaming charges 'enhanced' by ACMA Rules to better protect Australians against the bill shock that can come from high international mobile roaming charges, have been enhanced by the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA).

20th December 2019

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Vodafone significantly less complaints than Telstra and Optus The Communications Alliance has released its "first expanded Complaints in Context report”, showing that for participating service providers in July to September of this year, there were an average 6.8 complaints to the TIO per 10,000 Services in Operation. Vodafone was well below the average number while Telstra and Optus were just above.

19th December 2019

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Government review to ‘overhaul’ protections for telecoms consumers The Federal Government is overhauling consumer protections to "better reflect the way that modern telecommunication services" are delivered in Australia.

18th December 2019

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Govt announces $9m to quell health fears over 5G networks The Federal Government has announced a sum of $9 million to build public confidence in the safety of telecommunications networks, presumably in reaction to the large number of submissions to a 5G inquiry that expressed fears about the alleged health hazards of 5G networks.

17th December 2019

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