Labor claims govt going against stated policy with NBN tax Labor shadow communications minister Michelle Rowland claims the government's move to put in place a cost-recovery tax on networks that compete with the NBN directly contradicts the communications minister's statement that he favours competition in this field.

30th November 2019

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New rules for telcos to meet emergency call services obligations Telcos are required to do a welfare check on people who have tried to call during a large network outage of telecommunications systems, under newly legislated rules for emergency call services in Australia.

29th November 2019

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5G global subscriptions forecast to top 2.6 billion in next six years The global number of 5G subscriptions is forecast to top 2.6 billion within the next six years, driven by sustained momentum and a rapidly developing 5G ecosystem.

28th November 2019

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Lower prices, more data with new NBN wholesale discount plans NBN Co, the operator of the National Broadband Network, has announced a range of new wholesale bundles offering lower prices and more data inclusions, following an extensive industry consultation process.

27th November 2019

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Government to review telecommunications in new developments The Federal Government is reviewing arrangements for telecommunications in new developments with the aim of helping to drive competition and ensure access to high-quality infrastructure in new areas.

26th November 2019

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S&P does not expect 5G threat to NBN in the short to medium term Credit ratings agency S&P Global Ratings has said it does not expect 5G fixed wireless broadband networks to replace the NBN in the near-to-medium term, due to heavy capital spending and the fact that some players were stretched financially.

23rd November 2019

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TIO helps consumers with bushfire ‘unresolved’ phone, Internet issues Consumers impacted by Australia’s recent bushfires can now receive dedicated assistance with their unresolved phone and internet issues from the Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman.

22nd November 2019

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Huawei gets another 90-day reprieve to trade with US firms Chinese telecommunications equipment vendor Huawei Technologies had been granted another 90-day extension to work with American firms, giving the Shenzhen-based company until 16 February 2020 to work with US companies.

21st November 2019

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NBN Co says no need for any ACCC intervention in service standards National broadband provider NBN Co has questioned the need for any regulatory intervention into its wholesale service standards at this time as, in its view, the ACCC's draft decision on these aspects had not provided any evidence of market failure.

20th November 2019

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Govt plays down alleged 5G health effects in submission to inquiry The Federal Government has moved to quell the fears expressed by Australians over the alleged health effects of 5G, with a submission from the Department of Communications and the Arts to a House of Representatives standing committee pointing out the safeguards taken to limit the amount of radio frequency that electromagnetic energy telecommunications facilities can emit.

19th November 2019

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