History of Australian telecommunications
A historic paper from the Journal in 1961 summarising the investigation and selection of Crossbar Switching Equipment for the Australian Telephone Network.
March 2018
Roger Banks passed away in January 2018. He retired as Telecom Australia?s Director of Business Development in 1988. This obituary outlines his life from the early days in Victoria, through his career with the PMG and Telecom, to his post-retirement contributions as a board member and supporter of engineering education.
March 2018
Two historical papers from the Journal in 1939 and 1990 respectively contrasting the telecommunication facilities and lifestyles at Alice Springs.
December 2017
Two papers from 1963 describing the design and construction of the new aerial matrix switch at Radio Australia Shepparton and the ingenuity required to conceive and deploy a world-first solution.
September 2017
A paper from 1936 exploring the effects of electrification of country Tasmania and the increasing interference to telecommunication circuits by high voltage power lines installed in close proximity.
June 2017
A fascinating paper from 1952 describing the construction of an aerial trunk route and the problems associated with organisation of staff, equipment and materials.
March 2017
Australia's first cellular mobile service was launched 30 years ago. This paper describes the business and political environment surrounding the launch, and the early evolution of the service.
March 2017
A 1945 technical paper from the Telecommunications Journal of Australia is revisited that describes the timing and signalling equipment used at the Melbourne Observatory between 1853 and 1945. The equipment was used to provide the Victorian Time Signal Service for over ninety years.
December 2014
A 1945 technical paper from the Telecommunications Journal of Australia is revisited that describes the timing and signalling equipment used at the Melbourne Observatory between 1853 and 1945. The equipment was used to provide the Victorian Time Signal Service for over ninety years.
December 2014
Four historical vignettes are provided from the period 1875 to 1880 from the Proceedings of the Telegraph Electrical Society of Victoria ? the lineal antecedent of today?s TelSoc (Australian Telecommunications Society).
October 2014