Siamak Layeghy
University of Queensland
Siamak Layeghy is a PhD student at the School of Information Technology & Electrical Engineering at the University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia.
Sayan Ray
Manukau Institute of Technology
Sayan Kumar Ray received the Bachelor of Computer Science and Engineering from Gulbarga University, India, Master of Technology in Computer Science and Engineering from the University of Calcutta...
Auckland University of Technology
JAIRO A. GUTI?RREZ is Deputy Head of the School of Engineering, Computer and Mathematical Sciences at Auckland University of Technology in New Zealand.
David Airehrour
Auckland University of Technology
David Airehrour is a PhD student at the Auckland University of Technology, Auckland, New Zealand.
Roberto Morales
Researcher at Instituto Federal de Telecomunicaciones, Mexico, in Centro de Estudios
Roberto Morales is an economist by the National Autonomous University of Mexico (Universidad Nacional Aut?noma de M?xico).
Arturo Robles Rovalo
Researcher at Instituto Federal de Telecomunicaciones, Mexico, in Centro de Estudios
Dr. Arturo Robles Rovalo works as a researcher for the Research Center (Centro de Estudios) of the Mexican telecommunications regulator (Instituto Federal de Telecomunicaciones...
Oscar Saenz De Miera
Researcher at Instituto Federal de Telecomunicaciones, Mexico, in Centro de Estudios
Golnoush Soroush
Politecnico di Torino
Golnoush Soroush is a PhD candidate in Management, Production and Design at Politecnico di Torino, Italy.
Joan Barata
European University Viadrina
Dr. Joan Barata Mir is a Fellow at the Centre for Internet and Human Rights at European University Viadrina, in Germany.
Zbigniew Hulicki
AGH University
Zbigniew Hulicki received the M.S. degree in electrical and electronic engineering from the Technical University of Moscow, Moscow, Russia in 1978 and the Ph.D.
Pedro Seixas
Incyte Consulting
Pedro Seixas is an Incyte Principal Associate Consultant based in Frankfurt am Main, Germany.
Rob Nicholls
University of New South Wales
Dr Rob Nicholls is a lecturer in business law at the UNSW Business School and a visiting research fellow at the Centre for Law, Markets and Regulation in the UNSW Law School.
Jairo Gutierrez
Jairo A. Guti?rrez is Deputy Head of the School of Engineering, Computer and Mathematical Sciences at Auckland University of Technology in New Zealand.
Nurul Sarkar
University of Auckland
Nurul I Sarkar holds a PhD from the University of Auckland and is currently associate professor and leader of the Network and Security Research Group at the Auckland University of Technology,...
Sonia Gul
Cornell Institute of Technology, Auckland University of Technology
Dr. Sonia Gul is a Lecturer at Cornell Institute of Technology, Auckland. She is also a member of Network and Security Research Group (NSRG), Auckland University of Technology.
Gwangjae Kim
Hanyang Cyber University
Gwangjae Kim (Ph.D.) is Associate Professor in the Department of Advertising & Media at Hanyang Cyber University, South Korea. He earned Ph.D. at Sogang University, South Korea.
Eun-A Park
Pennsylvania State University
Dr. Eun-A Park is currently Affiliated Faculty at the Institute for Information Policy at Pennsylvania State University. Since 2008, Dr.
David Rogerson
Incyte Consulting
David Rogerson is a founding Director of Incyte Consulting, based in Scotland.
Carlo Cambini
Politecnico di Torino
Carlo Cambini is Professor of Industrial Organization and Regulation at the Politecnico di Torino and economic member of the Scientific Committee of the Florence School of Regulation, Robert...
Stanley Shanapinda
University of New South Wales
Stanley Shanapinda is a Ph.D. Research Candidate with the Australian Centre for Cyber Security (ACCS), Australian Defence Force Academy (ADFA) at the University of New South Wales (UNSW).